C'mon! Let us show you how.

frustrated with growing your
social selling business

If you’ve made it here, you’re most likely

Sounds amazing, right?

Imagine the day you're overthinking your business and you're frustrated that you aren't getting results. Instead of just clamming up and not doing anything about it (and feeling frustrated), you open your phone up.  You press play on a short lesson that coaches you through the EXACT problem you have. You get instruction on exactly what to do.... and problem solved!  

Have someone to talk you through being stuck?

HAve someone to give you action steps when you're overthinking things? 

Have someone give you a mindset shift when you need one? 

Have 2 really experienced coaches on-demand in your phone?

How would it feel to...

You're beginning to question if you're ever actually going to rank up and be where you want to be

You know that some of the people that are at the top of the company aren't necessarily any smarter than you... what are they doing that you're not? 

You're honestly a little scared to post online because you don't get much response typically

You aren't quite sure how to turn your social media presence into customers and biz partners

Does this sound familiar?

Chelsea Humphreys has risen to the top rank in 2 different network marketing companies, all while being an Army wife, mom of 2 and author.

We totally get where you are.  We've been through ups and downs ourselves, and we've figured out what actually WORKS to grow a network marketing business. 

Chelsea and Soraya here!

Soraya Goddard spent the last 23 years in the Army and successfully achieved being in the top 1% of her network marketing company while working it all part time from her phone. 

without hiring a super expensive 1:1 coach
without spending 5 figures on a mastermind program

a program where we get to coach you at your convenience on being insanely successful at network marketing

That's why we're SO excited to let you in on...

How to be confident and attract people to you no matter what you look or feel like

How to get over your fear of truly being seen for yourself

How to not get down on yourself

info on how to have a winning mindset

How to feel CONFIDENT on social media and build your personal brand

How to grow on social, EVEN if you have a small audience

How to sell effortlessly without feeling spammy

info on social media strategy

How to grow your business even with a full time job and family obligations

How to meet people online and in person and have fun doing it

Our secret to gaining people's attention and curiosity

info on how to grow your business

Here's what's inside the program:

Network Marketing Academy

MAven Network Marketing Academy


your network marketing lifeline THAT WILL


Each audio chapter covers a different network marketing challenge; pick the one you need, get advice, and move on with your day!  Hell - you can slip an earbud in while at work or while pretending to pay attention to Zoom.  You'll have awesome coaching in your ear, and we promise we won't tell anyone. ;)

Listen to all the chapters from start to finish, or pick the one that covers your specific problems

We aren't going to tell you to make a list of 100 people and cold message them, because let's face it: nobody ever wants to do that, and the top earners aren't doing that, either.  So why is your upline still teaching that?
We'll teach you exactly how to have fun AND get results on social media just by being yourself. 

Up to date tactics and practices - stuff your upline probably isn't teaching you (#truth)


Nobody has time to watch courses with 42 video modules of an hour each, right?  I mean, how many times have you purchased a course and then not watched it at all?  (We're both guilty of it, too.)

This course will download to your phone and live there forever.  Listen to the modules you need when you're in the car, when you're in line for school drop off, or when you're pretending to watch your kid's soccer game (we won't tell). 

An audio course with specific chapters that will live on your phone.  


intentionally created with your busy schedule in mind

26 audio Modules in a private podcast


1: How To Tell Your Story for More Sales
2: How To Start (or Restart) Your Business
3: When You Feel Like It's Just Too Hard
4: Make a Plan to Grow Your Business
5: When You Feel Like It’s Just So Cheezy
6: Feel Like You Need To Be an Expert? Don't.
7: When You Feel Embarrassed about Selling or Don’t Like to Sell Things
8: When People are Bashing Network Marketing
9: When You Don't Have Time / You’re Pressed for Time
10: I’m Can’t Seem to Make a Habit Out of This
11: How To Meet More People to Talk To
12: What I’m Doing Isn’t Working Right Now
13: I Can Enroll Customers, but Nobody Wants to Do the Biz With Me!
14: When you Run out of Steam or Get Burned Out
15: But The Market is so Saturated
16: I'm Losing Hope of Ever Ranking Up
17: I'm Stuck and I Don't Know What To Do
18: Life is Too Crazy Right Now
19: How To Follow Up with your Prospects / Leads

Bonus: Money Mindset Journal Prompts
Bonus: 35 Manifestation Journal Prompts
Bonus: The Ten Person Club Explanation / How To
Bonus: Guided Visualization for Success
Bonus: Breaking a Bad Habit
Bonus: Gratitude / Attitude Adjustment
Bonus: No Niche? Let’s Build Your Personal Brand

What Modules are in the Course?


4 monthly payments of

Budget Option



Most Popular

pay in full

Choose What Works For You

let's do this!

most affordable 



traci h.

""Soraya's training was the best investment I made in my business. I'm so grateful for this last year learning from you.
 I am in the top 20 for new customer sales for the entire company!"

Can Chelsea and Soraya get you results?  Abso-freaking-lutely


"Maven is a brilliant resource for those wanting to build an ethical, honorable, and professional network marketing lifetime income."


"Chels changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."

Since it's a digital product, there are no returns.   That said, we are absolutely confident after coaching hundreds of clients and getting great results that our coaching and instruction will help you... IF YOU IMPLEMENT IT. ;)

What is your return policy on this course? 

Chelsea and Soraya have a total of about 16 years in network marketing, and will use their experience in marketing, social media, and recruiting to help you navigate all the common issues in your business.  If you find yourself needing coaching on a topic, you'll be able to get on-demand help to get you unstuck!

How is this course going to help me with my business? 

The course will be delivered over private podcast.  This means that you'll be able to download or stream the entire thing from your phone via audio on your favorite podcast platform - no special app required.  You can listen to it from beginning to end, or pick out the chapters / topics that you need at the time. 

What format is this course? 

Course FAQs

You'll receive them immediately! As soon as you purchase, you'll get a private link in your email to download all the modules to your podcast player of choice.  From then on, you'll be able to listen to them anywhere, anytime, in any order you want. 

When will we receive all the audio modules? 

these bonuses alone
have a $695 Value

We know that it's easy to get distracted when you're busy.  These tracks will keep you focused on your goals. 

Audio Bonus Modules created just for you:

- Money Mindset Journal Prompts (with PDF)
- 35 Manifestation Journal Prompts (with PDF)
- The Ten Person Club Guided Exercise 
- Guided Visualization for Success
- How to Break a Bad Habit (with PDF)
- Gratitude / Attitude Adjustment (with PDF)
- No Niche? How To Build Your Personal Brand

Network Marketing Academy
Network Marketing Academy

Did You see all the Bonuses?

Bonus Time!

rank up and get to where you want to be in your business

Enroll now in maven

Don't Wait!

and I've done it all while raising two kids, being a military spouse, working as a professional photographer, and doing it mostly from being stationed overseas. 

I'm the one that has ranked to the top of two different companies...

Hey, I'm Chelsea

and dreamed of less stress and more time for family. i started social selling with zero audience and grew it until i left the army to work full time from my phone. 

I've been able to rank up to the 1% in my company, all working this business part time.  Oh - and now I work this business full time. :)

I'm the girl who spent 23 years in the Army...

Hey, I'm Soraya

6 Bonus modules on Mindset, Manifestation, Gratitude, Breaking Bad Habits and more 

20 Course Modules on all the Network Marketing Challenges you can think of - all easily listened to on your phone 

The Coaching you need in your business is about to be on your phone

Get Excited!
Join Maven Network Marketing Academy

rank up and grow the team you dream of



The way we see it, you have two choices: